- America's largest private companies
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://www.forbes.com/largest-private-companies/list/
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Forbes' list of 225 U.S. private companies provides brief overview of businesses, revenue, number of employees, and links to news stories.
- Annual statement studies
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HF5681.B2 R6
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Contains composite financial data and ratios for over 732 industries including manufacturing, wholesale, retail, service, agriculture, forestry, fishing, contracting, mining, construction, transportation, information, education, real estate, and health care. Arranged by NAICS code.
- Business rankings annual
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HG4050 .B87
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Provides tables and statistical information that rank companies, markets, brands, etc.
- Search Tips: Use the three-volume cumulative index to locate entries by industry, company name or brand.
- Business ratios and formulas: a comprehensive guide
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HF5691 .B73
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Describes and explains how to use nearly 200 performance measures (ratios) covering finance, efficiency, effectiveness, capacity, market share and market performance.
- Census business builder
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: https://cbb.census.gov/sbe/#
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Select a type of business (e.g., retail clothing store) or enter a NAICS industry code and select a location (state, county, town, or zip code). Census Business Builder will generate a report and a map showing demographic, socioeconomic, and housing characteristics of the population; data on number of establishments and revenue in the industry in the selected place; and top-level information about consumer spending.
- Census of agriculture
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: https://www.nass.usda.gov/AgCensus/
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Taken every five years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provides comprehensive agricultural data for every state and county. Most recent data are from the 2017 census.
- Search Tips: Click "Data & Statistics" > "Access Quick Stats" to search by commodity, location, and year of interest.
- Cmdty yearbook
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HF1041 .C56
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Statistics and narrative information on nearly 100 domestic and international commodities from aluminum to zinc, with historical data from past 10 years and current pricing and trading patterns on a monthly and annual basis. (Older editions in circulating stacks.)
- Commodity costs and returns
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://ers.usda.gov/data-products/commodity-costs-and-returns.aspx
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: U.S. Department of Agriculture data on current and historical costs and returns of agricultural commodities including corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, rice, sorghum, barley, oats, peanuts, milk, hogs, and cows-calves, dating back to 1975.
- Country commercial guides
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: https://www.export.gov/ccg
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Provides economic, political, and market analysis and tips on etiquette and doing business in and exporting to various countries.
- County business patterns
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/cbp/data/tables.html
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Annual report from the U.S. Census Bureau that provides industry economic data for the United States, states, counties, congressional districts, and metropolitan statistical areas. Provides number of employees, payroll, and number of establishments. (Because this excludes data on self-employed individuals, employees of private households, and railroad, agricultural production, and most government employees, see also Nonemployer Statistics.)
- Search Tips: First choose a year (2020 is most recent complete data) and click the "CBP Tables. . ." link below the year buttons. Then use the "Geos" and/or "Codes" buttons above the table to select desired locations and specificity of NAICS industry codes (e.g., 4-digit or 6-digit). Then click "Close" to see revised table. Alternatively, to see a report that combines data from County Business Patterns AND Nonemployer Statistics, from the home page choose a year and click "CBP and NES Combined Report" (2018 is most recent available).
- D & B hoovers (formerly D & B business browser, formerly OneSource)
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://researchguides.uvm.edu/dandbhoovers
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: Provides information on more than 103 million companies (public and private ; U.S. and non-U.S.). Includes company financials (back 10 years), executives, brands, annual reports, and more. Allows sorting of companies by many criteria (use "Build a Company List" link). Also includes in-depth global industry and market research reports.
- Search Tips: To search for a specific company, use the small search box at the very top of the screen. To create a list of companies, use “Build a Company List” link. To search for an industry, click "Research Industries," enter a NAICS code in the "Industries" search box, and use the blue "change" link above to specify "NAICS 2022."
- Direction of trade statistics quarterly
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://data.imf.org/?sk=9D6028D4-F14A-464C-A2F2-59B2CD424B85
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Covers most countries, providing tables with current data on the value of imports and exports by partner country for all International Monetary Fund (IMF) member states and other non-member countries, plus summary tables for the world and major areas.
- Search Tips: Use "Charts" and "Tables" links to get data. Or click "Documents" to access a link to the most recent Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) Quarterly.
- Direction of trade statistics yearbook
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://data.imf.org/?sk=9D6028D4-F14A-464C-A2F2-59B2CD424B85
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Presents, for over 200 countries and major regions, data on the value of exports and imports by trade partners for the last seven years. For historical research, library has print volumes 1958-2017 in the Reference Stacks at call number HF91.D572 (print publication ceased in 2018).
- Search Tips: Use "Charts" and "Tables" links to get data. Or click "Documents" to access a link to the most recent Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) Yearbook.
- Encyclopedia of American industries
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://primo.uvm.edu/permalink/01UOV_INST/1mqtb7p/alma9954177773808266
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: Provides essays on the 1057 industries by 2017 NAICS codes. Volume 1 covers manufacturing industries, volume 2 provides essays on industries in agriculture, mining, construction, wholesale and retail trade, and volume 3 includes essays on finance, insurance, real estate, service, and public administration industries.
- Encyclopedia of associations
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Desk (1st Floor)
- Call Number: AS8 .E5
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: A directory of more than 25,000 national and international organizations.
- Search Tips: Use the keyword index to identify associations related to your business; then try to find the association's Web site for industry information and statistics.
- Foreign Trade
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/index.html
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Official source for U.S. export and import statistics as well as information on export regulations, reference codes, and other trade-related information.
- Search Tips: The free data "U.S. Exports of Merchandise" is complete, but the "U.S. Imports of Merchandise" data is missing one variable: District of Entry. If you need this, see a librarian to access the agency subscription database.
- Gale business insights (formerly Business insights: Essentials)
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://researchguides.uvm.edu/galebusinessinsights
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: A large database of information about countries, industries (domestic and foreign), and more than 430,000 companies (public, private, domestic, and international).
- Search Tips: For company information: click "Companies" and search or browse by name. For industry information: click "Industries" and search or browse by NAICS code. For country information: click "Countries/Territories." To create a company list by type, industry, revenue, and/or location: click "Companies" and use the filters at the top of the screen.
- IBISWorld industry market research
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://researchguides.uvm.edu/ibisworld
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: Comprehensive current and historical reports on more than 1,300 U.S. industries and 74 reports on global industries. Reports cover industry statistics, history, outlook, conditions, major companies, market characteristics and segments, financial ratios, and more.
- Search Tips: To browse reports, first click "Industry Research" (options are then broken down by US or Global.) Then follow these instructions: For current reports on large, established U.S. industries, click "US" > "US Industry Reports (NAICS)." For information about small or new industries, click "US" > "US Specialized Industry Reports." For previous reports dating back to 2001, click "US" > "US Industry Archives." For reports on consumer behavior, financial markets, demographics, commodities, and economic indicators, click "US" > "US Business Environment Profiles." To see international industry reports, click "Global" > "Global Industry Reports." NOTE: The selection of reports changes without notice, so if you find one that's useful, print or download it to ensure continued access.
- IMF data
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://data.imf.org
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Provides access to macroeconomic and financial data for countries of the world, provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). More than 35 datasets cover balance of payments, direction of trade statistics, consumer price index, financial development and soundness, government expenditures, commodity prices and more.
- Industry norms and key business ratios
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HF5681.R25 I525
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Includes composite financial data and ratios from establishments in over 800 industries. Arranged by SIC code. Print publication canceled after 2018 edition; access online version through the Mergent Archives database by clicking "D&B Manuals" > "Key Business Ratios."
- Industry surveys (formerly Standard & Poor's industry surveys)
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HC106.6 .S74
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Profiles 49 industries in depth twice a year, including industry trends, operating environment, competitive environment, regulatory environment, mergers and acquisitions, key players, financial data, and ratios.
- Search Tips: Check prior years' editions if your industry isn't covered in the current set. Industry surveys are currently arranged in alphabetical order; check the index at the front of Volume I for a list of surveys contained in each of the two volumes.
- Information, finance, & services USA
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HD9999.I493 U625
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: An older source for historical research. Provides information on 320 industries in the information, finance and service sectors. Organized by NAICS codes, it includes data on establishments, employment, revenues, leading companies, and regional concentration of establishments.
- Inside U. S. business
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HC106.8 .M337 1993
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: An older source for historical research. Essays provide general orientation to 25 industries, including basic facts, industry history, leading companies, and trade associations. An older source that provides historical perspective.
- International consumer markets 2018-2019
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://primo.uvm.edu/permalink/01UOV_INST/1mqtb7p/alma9940224793808266
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: A large compendium of international information, including rankings and data about global markets, global consumers, trade, industry sectors, countries, and regions.
- International trade statistics yearbook
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://comtrade.un.org/pb/
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Provides data about merchandise and service imports and exports of more than 170 countries (or areas) covering the years 2006-2020. Historical data available in print version (1950-2016); check library catalog for locations and call numbers.
- International yearbook of industrial statistics
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HC59.H26
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Facilitates country-to-country comparisons within the manufacturing sector only. Part I includes summary tables on the manufacturing sector as a whole; part II consists of country/area-specific tables showing data reported by national statistical offices.
- Manufacturing & distribution U.S.A.
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HD9724 .M364
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Provides information on industries in manufacturing and wholesale and retail trade, plus an analysis of the general state of manufacturing. Organized by NAICS codes, it includes data on establishments, employment, compensation, production, leading companies, inputs/outputs, materials consumed, and product share.
- Market share reporter
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HF5415.2 .M336
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: An annual compilation of market share data on companies, products, and services. Data are gleaned from reports, journals, and newspapers, and are organized by SIC code.
- Search Tips: Has several indexes to allow look-up by product, service, company name, brand name, and place name.
- Mergent archives
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://researchguides.uvm.edu/mergentarchives
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: Provides 1) current and historical industry reports, 2) digitized, searchable corporate annual reports and/or SEC filings back to the mid 1800s, 3) corporate histories and financial statements as far back as the early 1900s from the digitized archives of corporate Mergent (formerly Moody's) Manuals, 4) information about municipal securities issued by each U.S. state, Puerto Rico, and Guam (from the digitized archives of Mergent Municipal Manual), and 5) historical volumes of D&B Industry Norms and key Business Ratios.
- Search Tips: To browse or search for industry reports, click "D&B Manuals" (on left) and select "First Research." To see historical financial norms and ratios, click "D&B Manuals" and select "Key Business Ratios."
- Mergent intellect
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://researchguides.uvm.edu/mergentintellect
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: Detailed information about millions of public and private companies in the United States and around the world. Also provides access to "Key Business Ratios" (formerly in print as "Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios") and contact information for 210 million U.S. consumers.
- Search Tips: Use "Advanced Search" to build a list of companies based on criteria you select.
- Mergent online
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://researchguides.uvm.edu/mergentonline
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: Provides company and industry information, as well as country reports. Covers over 15,000 active and inactive public U.S. companies and 20,000 non-U.S. active and inactive companies, including current and historical financials and stock prices, executives, SEC filings, and competitors.
- Search Tips: "Advanced Search" allows searching for companies by various criteria. To access reports on a small number of U.S. industry sectors, click "Industry Analysis" > "Reports" tab. For country reports (including business environment, outlook, and risk) click "Country Insight" tab and drill down to country of interest.
- National Agricultural Statistics Service
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://www.nass.usda.gov
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Provides statistics about U.S. agriculture from the agriculture census (every five years; latest data are from 2017) and hundreds of other surveys. Covers virtually every aspect of U.S. agriculture such as production and supplies of food and fiber, prices paid and received by farmers, farm labor and wages, farm finances, chemicals used, and changes in the demographics of producers. Also provides access to data and reports on agricultural commodities (crops, animals, animal products).
- National trade and professional associations of the United States
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HD2425 .D53
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: This directory provides information about associations, including year founded, membership fees, contact information, operating budget, meeting information, and more.
- Search Tips: Eight indexes allow you to identify associations by various aspects including subject, location, budget, association acronym, certification acronym, and meeting.
- Nonemployer statistics
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/nonemployer-statistics/data/tables.html
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau, this data summarizes the number of establishments and sales (receipts) of businesses WITHOUT paid employees. An important complement to County Business Patterns, which gives data about businesses that DO have employees. Published annually; most recent data are from 2019.
- Search Tips: First choose a year, then click "NES Tables. . ." To change parameters of a table, click "Geos," "Years," and/or "Codes." Alternatively, if you want to see a report that combines data from County Business Patterns AND Nonemployer Statistics at the state level, from the home page choose a year and click ". . .CBP and NES Combined Report."
- Occupational employment and wage statistics
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://www.bls.gov/oes
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Employment and wage estimates for nearly 800 occupations (not including self-employed), including mean hourly and annual wage for the nation, states, metropolitan areas, and non-metropolitan areas. Updated annually. National occupational estimates for specific industries are also available.
- Search Tips: Use the "OEWS Data" section.
- Occupational outlook handbook
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://www.bls.gov/ooh
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Provides essays on hundreds of occupations. Each essay includes job outlook and employment data, which can be used to understand the size and expected growth in an industry.
- OECD iLibrary
- Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
- URL: https://researchguides.uvm.edu/oecdilibrary
- Format: Subscription database or e-book
- Description: Economic and trade data for countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- Search Tips: Click "Statistics" > "Main Economic Indicators" (under "Databases") to access time series data for OECD member countries or "International Trade by Commodity Statistics" to get countries' trade statistics by commodity.
- SBDC Net
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: https://www.sbdcnet.org/
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: This national information clearinghouse of the U.S. Small Business Administration provides guides on various aspects of operating a small business or franchise, free market research reports for several dozen small business (e.g., bakery, bike shop), and links to industry associations and data sources.
- USA trade online
- Where to Find It: Howe Library Government Documents Computers (ask librarian to log you in)
- URL: http://usatrade.census.gov/
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Maintained by the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, this Web site provides current and historical (back to 1992) U.S. export and import data for over 9,000 export commodities and 17,000 import commodities on a monthly and annual basis.
- Search Tips: You can build a data table by selecting commodities, countries, measures, and times of interest. (As of Oct. 15, 2015, the database is free to all users, but you must create a profile. If you prefer to search anonymously, you may use this combination: user ID = 8PR9F2F; password = usatradeUVM1!)
- USITC dataweb
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://dataweb.usitc.gov
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: This United States International Trade Commission web site provides U.S. trade data by geographic region and country, U.S. tariffs schedule, and reports on shifts in trade (1989-present).
- Search Tips: Use the links at the left of the main page to access data. Data are free but you must create an account to access it.
- Value line investment survey
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HG4501. V26
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: In-depth coverage of about 1,700 of the most actively traded U.S. exchange-listed stocks. Each "Ratings and Reports" weekly issue provides full-page reports and analysis of about 130 stocks, presented on a rotating basis so that all 1,700 companies are covered each 13-week quarter. Reports provide current and historical financial data, financial results, three- to five-year price and earnings projections, charts, and rankings. Part 3 offers brief industry profiles and company information including business description and outlook, current and historical financial and stock data, and a few industry ratios.
- Vermont business directory
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Desk (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HF5065.V5 V45
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: A directory of 41,000 Vermont businesses, organized alphabetically within towns and by industry category. Provides directory information, estimated sales and number of employees. A good source for identifying competitors, or for identifying business-to-business customers.
- Vermont business magazine--book of lists
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Desk (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HA675 .V53
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: Information about business in Vermont, including lists of helpful resources, chambers of commerce, trade associations, regional planning commissions, development organizations, and firms that support businesses. Also ranks businesses.
- Vermont economic-demographic profile
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://www.labor.state.vt.us/profile2023.pdf
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Offers demographic, economic, industry, employment and wage data for Vermont at the county and town level. Also offers information on tax revenues, home sales, and education statistics.
- Ward's business directory of U.S. private and public companies
- Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
- Call Number: HG4057.A1 W373
- Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
- Description: This multi-volume set provides an alphabetic directory of public and private companies, and also ranks companies within industries and states. Useful for identifying major players and competitors.
- World economic outlook database
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2013/02/weodata/index.aspx
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Use this IMF database to find data on national accounts, inflation, unemployment rates, balance of payments, trade, and commodity prices for countries and country groups. Data are from 1980-present.
- YAHOO! Finance
- Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
- URL: http://finance.yahoo.com/
- Format: Free World Wide Web site
- Description: Provides current and historical data on company stock performance, financial statements, company outlook, and sustainability ratings. Also provides links to data on cryptocurrencies, stock gainers and losers, top ETFs, commodities, world indices, currencies, top mutual funds, most-active stocks, and U.S. Treasury bonds rates.
- Search Tips: For company information, search by name or ticker in search box at top. For other information, click "Markets."