Suggested Sources: Marketing

Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: Digital archive of thousands of TV commercials for major companies and brands, created or collected by the D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles advertising agency, dated 1950s-1980s
American trademark designs: A survey with 732 marks, logos, and corporate-identity symbols
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5869.A217 1976
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Depicts hundreds of famous trademark symbols, arranged by industry.
Best customers: demographics of consumer demand
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HC79.C6 B45
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Expenditure Study, examines spending patterns by demographic characteristics of households. Covers 300 products and services and reveals which types of households spend the most.
Search Tips: Consult Appendix B to see average quarterly spending on products by only those households that purchased those products.
Brands and their companies
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HG4057 .A1 B73
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Alphabetical listing of more than 200,000 current and defunct consumer brand names, including product description and manufacturer or distributor.
Business publications
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Describes business, technical and trade publications, with circulation data and advertising rates.
Search Tips: At the top of the home page, click "Magazines" > "Business Publications" > "Select Business Classes" OR "Select Healthcare Classes" to see a list of publications on a topic.
Business rankings annual
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HG4050 .B87
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Provides tables and statistical information that rank companies, markets, brands, etc.
Search Tips: Use the three-volume cumulative index to locate entries by industry, company name or brand.
Catalyst (formerly Essentials, National consumer study)
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: This resource provides data from the MRI-Simmons USA study (the successor to the National Consumer Study), a survey of U.S. adults (18 and older), covering demographics, attitudes, lifestyle behavior, consumer behavior and intentions, brand preferences, and media consumption. Users must create their own cross-tabulations.
Search Tips: Select from thousands of variables and create your own cross-tabulations (step-by-step instructions available at
Census business builder
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: Select a type of business (e.g., retail clothing store) or enter a NAICS industry code and select a location (state, county, town, or zip code). Census Business Builder will generate a report and a map showing demographic, socioeconomic, and housing characteristics of the population; data on number of establishments and revenue in the industry in the selected place; and top-level information about consumer spending.
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: An easy-to-use source for current and historical demographic data from the U.S. Census at the national, state, metro area, and county levels. Also includes rankings, maps and charts.
Center for Rural Studies web site
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: Contains a wealth of population, social, and economic data for towns and counties in Vermont, including results of the annual "Vermonter Poll."
Search Tips: Click "Menu" and explore the links.
Cities of the United States
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: G153. 4. C55
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Profiles 229 cities in the United States, offering demographic information and a discussion of each city's economic situation and outlook.
Companies and their brands
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HG4057 .A1 C66
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Alphabetical listing of manufacturers and distributors, with contact information and a listing of their brands and products. Includes 200,000 current and defunct brands.
Consumer behavior
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5415.33 .U6 C653
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: A compilation of data from various sources regarding American consumers. Covers demographics; spending; activities; and shopping behaviors, attitudes and preferences. Also provides data by segment (affluent, ethnic groups, gender, generations, geography, and more).
Consumer behavior 2022
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: A compilation of data from various sources regarding American consumers. Covers demographics; spending; activities; and shopping behaviors, attitudes and preferences. Also provides data by segment (affluent, ethnic groups, gender, generations, geography, and more).
Consumer magazines
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Search for consumer magazines by subject of interest and provides circulation data and advertising rates. Useful for identifying magazines on a particular theme (e.g., weddings, fishing, sports).
Search Tips: At top left of home page, click "Magazines" > "Consumer Magazines" > "Select Consumer Classes" to generate a list of magazines by topic.
Consumer marketing 2022
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: A compilation of data from various sources about marketing to consumers. Covers a wide range of topics including coupons, pricing, "buy local" initiatives, celebrity endorsements, direct selling, inclusive marketing, and artificial intelligence.
D & B hoovers (formerly D & B business browser, formerly OneSource)
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Provides information on more than 103 million companies (public and private ; U.S. and non-U.S.). Includes company financials (back 10 years), executives, brands, annual reports, and more. Allows sorting of companies by many criteria (use "Build a Company List" link). Also includes in-depth global industry and market research reports.
Search Tips: To search for a specific company, use the small search box at the very top of the screen. To create a list of companies, use “Build a Company List” link. To search for an industry, click "Research Industries," enter a NAICS code in the "Industries" search box, and use the blue "change" link above to specify "NAICS 2022."
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: A centralized place to access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau, including demographic data on the U.S. population.
Search Tips: Either 1) type keywords describing the data you need in the single search box, or 2) click "Advanced Search" and use the filters ("topics," "geography," "years") to select variables of interest. You may choose variables from more than one filter.
Dictionary of marketing
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Over 2,100 entries on traditional marketing techniques (from strategy, positioning, segmentation, and branding, to all aspects of marketing planning, research, and analysis), as well as leading marketing theories and concepts. Both classic and modern marketing techniques are covered.
Dictionary of trade name origins
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5869.R66 1983
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Brief entries (some with logos) giving the origins of hundreds of trade names. Each entry includes a description of the product.
Editor & publisher newspaper data book
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: Z6940 .E34
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Covers newspapers in the United States and Canada. Section I lists daily newspapers; section II lists news services and organizations; section III lists non-daily, community, and niche newspapers. Provides contact information, publication day(s), circulation, staff names, and areas served.
Encyclopedia of advertising
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5803 .A38
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Lengthy essays about advertising agencies, brands, campaigns, and advertising concepts and terminology.
Encyclopedia of consumer brands
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5415.3 .E527
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Includes essays highlighting 600 of the most popular brands in America, discussing how a product originated and was first marketed, how it evolved, and how it fares compared with its competitors. Includes brand logos and photos.
Encyclopedia of major marketing campaigns/strategies
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5837 .E53
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Profiles more than 1,000 notable marketing and advertising campaigns of the 20th and 21st centuries, such as Nike's "Just do it" and General Electric's "We bring good things to life." Includes visuals for a few entries.
Search Tips: Consult all three volumes, which were published at different times. Volume 3 expands international coverage.
Famous American trademarks
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5869.B37 1971
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Provides the stories behind the development of 95 well-known trademarks and symbols, such as Band-aid, Campbell Soup, Goodyear, Levi's, and Smokey the Bear. Includes the symbol for each.
Gale business insights (formerly Business insights: Essentials)
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: A large database of information about countries, industries (domestic and foreign), and more than 430,000 companies (public, private, domestic, and international).
Search Tips: For company information: click "Companies" and search or browse by name. For industry information: click "Industries" and search or browse by NAICS code. For country information: click "Countries/Territories." To create a company list by type, industry, revenue, and/or location: click "Companies" and use the filters at the top of the screen.
Gale directory of publications and broadcast media
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Desk (1st Floor)
Call Number: Z6951 .A97
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: A guide to newspapers, magazines, journals, radio stations, TV stations, and cable systems in the United States, Canada, and the rest of the world. Provides contact information, description, subscription rates, circulation or wattage, and some ad rates.
Gallup website
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: Offers free access to data points from Gallup polls on politics, the economy, and a variety of other topics.
Hoover's handbook of private companies
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HG4057 .A28616
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Provides facts on 900 large, influential, privately held U.S. enterprises (including not-for-profits, universities, and government-owned corporations). Provides company overview, history, executives, competitors, and recent historical financial data. Also ranks companies in various categories.
Household spending: Who spends how much on what
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HC110 .C6 H68
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Reveals how American households allocate their spending dollars, based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Expenditure Survey. Includes summary household spending statistics by various consumer segments as well as detailed spending statistics organized by major product and service categories.
How do you spell Haagen-Dazs? : the how to say it spelling dictionary of brands, companies, places and products
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HD69.B7 H38
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: A dictionary that provides the correct spelling of about 25,000 trade names, company names, and acronyms that are usually unavailable in standard dictionaries.
IBISWorld industry market research
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Comprehensive current and historical reports on more than 1,300 U.S. industries and 74 reports on global industries. Reports cover industry statistics, history, outlook, conditions, major companies, market characteristics and segments, financial ratios, and more.
Search Tips: To browse reports, first click "Industry Research" (options are then broken down by US or Global.) Then follow these instructions: For current reports on large, established U.S. industries, click "US" > "US Industry Reports (NAICS)." For information about small or new industries, click "US" > "US Specialized Industry Reports." For previous reports dating back to 2001, click "US" > "US Industry Archives." For reports on consumer behavior, financial markets, demographics, commodities, and economic indicators, click "US" > "US Business Environment Profiles." To see international industry reports, click "Global" > "Global Industry Reports." NOTE: The selection of reports changes without notice, so if you find one that's useful, print or download it to ensure continued access.
International consumer markets 2018-2019
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: A large compendium of international information, including rankings and data about global markets, global consumers, trade, industry sectors, countries, and regions.
Market share reporter
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5415.2 .M336
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: An annual compilation of market share data on companies, products, and services. Data are gleaned from reports, journals, and newspapers, and are organized by SIC code.
Search Tips: Has several indexes to allow look-up by product, service, company name, brand name, and place name.
National consumer study
Where to Find It: n/a
URL: n/a
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: The name of this database has changed. Please see "Essentials" above.
Newspaper media
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Select a market and/or newspaper type to generate a list of newspapers and their circulation data and advertising rates.
Search Tips: To get a list of newspapers in a region, at the top left of search page, click "Newspapers" > "Newspapers, Reps & Press Associations" > "Select DMAs and National Market."
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Use this to access and map information on U.S. communities and markets, drawing from thousands of continuously updated data points related to demographics, income and spending, housing, lending, quality of life, economy, education, and health.
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: An easy-to-use source providing U.S. Census data for the nation, states, counties, and cities and towns with 5,000 or more inhabitants.
Search Tips: Enter a state, county, city, town, or zip code in the upper left corner.
Radio media
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Provides information on AM/FM commercial radio stations in the U.S., with format detail, demographics, and contact information.
Search Tips: To get a list of radio stations in a region, click "Radio" (at top of screen) > "Radio Stations, Networks, Owners & Reps" > "Select Metro and Non-Metro Markets."
Redbooks. Advertisers, business classifications
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks
Call Number: HF5805 .S712
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Features data on over 9,000 U.S. and Canadian companies that spend at least $50,000 on national/regional advertising, providing company address, SIC/NAICS codes, a short business description, revenue, number of employees, trade names, advertising expenditures (for some companies), and agencies employed.
Redbooks. Agencies
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5805 .S7
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: A directory of agencies in the United States and Canada, organized in the following categories: branding, advertising, digital, event and sponsorship marketing, full service, media buying, multicultural, production, and public relations. Includes staff names, annual billings (for some), major accounts, and areas of specialization.
RKMA market research reports
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: A collection of e-books that compiles marketing data from various sources regarding consumer behavior, consumer marketing, business-to-business marketing, and several industry sectors. It also includes volumes on the business impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Search Tips: Within a volume, browse the table of contents or use your browser search function to locate data of interest within a volume.
Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Provides poll results from the Roper Center on topics including foreign policy, economics, education, social concerns, science, technology, health, politics, and personal beliefs.
Search Tips: Use "Search Questions and Datasets" to search for poll results.
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: This national information clearinghouse of the U.S. Small Business Administration provides guides on various aspects of operating a small business or franchise, free market research reports for several dozen small business (e.g., bakery, bike shop), and links to industry associations and data sources.
Social explorer
Where to Find It: On the UVM Libraries Web Site
Format: Subscription database or e-book
Description: Allows users to create maps and reports based on current and historical data from the U.S. Census (1790-present), and other statistical sources covering dozens of topics including demographics, crime, health, religion, and carbon emissions. Also includes data from the United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, and the world.
Symbols of America
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5869 .M7 1986
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Includes hundreds of trademarks arranged by theme and industry. Entries were selected for both historic and artistic merit, including the best-known marks from a broad range of industries, with an emphasis on symbols rather than words.
Vermont business magazine--book of lists
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Desk (1st Floor)
Call Number: HA675 .V53
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Information about business in Vermont, including lists of helpful resources, chambers of commerce, trade associations, regional planning commissions, development organizations, and firms that support businesses. Also ranks businesses.
Vermont economic-demographic profile
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: Offers demographic, economic, industry, employment and wage data for Vermont at the county and town level. Also offers information on tax revenues, home sales, and education statistics.
Vermont tourism research center
Where to Find It: On the World Wide Web
Format: Free World Wide Web site
Description: Information, publications, statistics, data and reports on the Vermont tourism industry, tourist visits, and Vermont products.
Search Tips: Click "Tourism in Vermont" to access reports.
Ward's business directory of U.S. private and public companies
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HG4057.A1 W373
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: This multi-volume set provides an alphabetic directory of public and private companies, and also ranks companies within industries and states. Useful for identifying major players and competitors.
Who's buying. . .series
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5415.3 .W46
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: A series of reports providing consumer expenditure and demographic data in many product/service lines: apparel, travel, restaurants and carry-outs, pets, information products, health care, entertainment, alcoholic beverages, home improvement, furnishings, and more.
Why did they name it. . .?
Where to Find It: Howe Reference Stacks (1st Floor)
Call Number: HF5869 .C27 1964
Format: Printed material (book, report, etc.)
Description: Short histories of 69 famous brand names, products, and people who launched them. Includes brand names such as Aunt Jemima, Morton Salt, Chevrolet, Dixie Cups, Jello and Avon; and products such as potato chips, the zipper, and chewing gum. Very few symbols.